報告募集: Panel Data Analysis of Families Worldwide

ISA XVIII World Congress of Sociology
NFRJ関係者がオーガナイズする RC06 (Committee of Family Research) と RC33 (Logic and Methodology in Sociology) の合同セッション

  • 筒井 淳也 (Junya TSUTSUI), 立命館大学 (junya_tsts*nifty.com)
  • 西野 理子 (Michiko NISHINO), 東洋大学 (mnishino*toyo.jp)

(上記メール・アドレス中の * は @ に置き換えてください)

題目: Panel Data Analysis of Families Worldwide

開催日: 2014年7月14日から18日のどこか

場所: パシフィコ横浜

ISA公式サイトの情報: http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2014/rc/joint-sessions.php#RC06RC33

応募締切: 2013-09-30 24:00 GMT


In almost every discipline in social sciences, the power and effectiveness of panel (longitudinal) data has been recognized in the analysis of human behaviour. Panel analyses are able to achieve stricter estimations than ordinary cross-sectional analysis. Panel based family studies can provide a more accurate estimation of effects, such as the effect of family support programs on marriage formation or fertility, or the effect of shorter working hours on husband’s contribution to housework, etc. The U.S. has a long history of panel data accumulation. Now panel data are ready to be analysed by researchers in Japan and other regions.

The session welcomes papers analysing family issues using panel data from every region of the world. The session will provide up to 5 presentations, followed by discussions where researchers are expected to exchange methods of analyses or contemporary conditions regarding the accumulation of panel data on family behaviour. In order to facilitate this purpose, session organizer will pursue the maximum diversity in regions represented by presenters.


報告の要旨を9月30日24時 (世界標準時GMT) までに https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/wc2014/cfp.cgi から提出してください。 提出方法については http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2014/how-to-present-a-paper.htm をごらんください。

