報告募集: Family Studies Based on Quantitative Analyses of Surveys
ISA XVIII World Congress of Sociology
RC06 (Committee of Family Research) セッション
- 田渕 六郎 (Rokuro TABUCHI), 上智大学 (r-tabuch*sophia.ac.jp)
- 田中 重人 (Sigeto TANAKA), 東北大学 (tsigeto*sal.tohoku.ac.jp)
(上記メール・アドレス中の * は @ に置き換えてください)
題目: Family Studies Based on Quantitative Analyses of Surveys
開催日: 2014年7月14日から18日のどこか
場所: Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan
ISA公式サイトの情報: http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2014/rc/rc.php?n=RC06#s6
応募締切: 2013-09-30 24:00 GMT
Papers that address family issues using survey data from all over the world are welcome. Preference will be given to national or local data sets especially those from Asia. The mission of session organizers is to facilitate the sharing of national and local data sets and promote future collaboration among participants. Papers that focus on some aspect of balancing family and work demands are especially welcome but other family topics will be considered. Work-family balance needs particular attention especially in societies where people face extremely low fertility rate and underperformance in women in the labor force, as in Eastern Asia.
Although family researchers in all regions worldwide are accumulating more and more micro-level quantitative data on family-related behaviors, sharing that data with researchers from other countries or regions is rare. For instance, in Japan a number of quantitative studies using data from reliable, nationally representative surveys such as NFRJ (National Family Research of Japan) are increasing in number. The sharing of survey data between countries and regions will increase the possibility of comparative studies.
報告の要旨を9月30日24時 (世界標準時GMT) までに https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/wc2014/cfp.cgi から提出してください。 提出方法については http://www.isa-sociology.org/congress2014/how-to-present-a-paper.htm をごらんください。
オーガナイザのひとりによるこのセッションの紹介: http://www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/~tsigeto/isa14/rc06-s6.html