National Family Research of Japan : Special Survey 2001(NFRJ-S01)
National Family Research of Japan : Special Survey 2001 (NFR-S01) is a nation-wide survey based on a random sample of women (32-81 years old in 2001) in Japan. Its purpose is to reveal the changes and continuity of the Japanese family in the half century after the war. Sampling was conducted by the end of 2001. Field work for the survey was conducted by March 2002. The first report was published in March 2003. the second report was published in May 2005. NFRJ-S01 data is deposited at JSS Data Archive (University of Tokyo).
NFRJ-S01 Outline
- Survey name (Japanese)
- Zenkoku Tyousa: “Sengo Nihon no Kazoku no Ayumi”
- Survey name (English)
- National Family Research of Japan : Special Survey 2001
- Codename
- NFRJ-S01
- Survey organizer
- The National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
- Survey company
- Shin Joho Center, Inc.
- Survey period
- 24 January to 3 March 2002
- Survey area
- All over Japan
- Subjects
- Female Japanese residents born between 1920 and 1969 (aged 32 to 81 as of end of December 2001)
- Sample size
- 5,000 people (surveyed 3,475, survey response rate 69.5%)
- Sampling method
- stratified two-stage random sampling
152 strata were set by dividing muncipalities in 47 prefectures into 4 categories based on their population; from these strata 312 points were sampled with proportional probability. The required number of people was selected using the systematic sampling method on zyuumin kihon daityou [residents register] or senkyonin meibo[voter registration record]. - Survey method
- Leave and pick-up
NFRJ-S01 Questions
- Marital experience and spouse information
- Record of being divorced, widowed, or remarried
- Record of living arrangements with parents after married
- Information about children and experience raising the first child
- Experience of living arrangement with a married child
- Respondent’s basic attributes
- Respondent’s occupational history
- Nursing care requirements of parents and parents-in-law
- Respondents nursing care history
- Siblings of respondent
- Domicile and moving experience after marriage
Documents and Links
- NFRJ-S01 questionnaire (including English translation)
- Basic tabulations (in percentage) are on the NFRJ-S01 questionnaire in the SSJ Data Archive site
- List of NFRJ-S01 Research Results
- Secondary Use of NFRJ Data
- Shin Joho Center, inc. (survey subcontractor)