NFRJ Data Secondary Use

Public Release of NFRJ Data

The data collected by the NFRJ surveys (NFRJ98, NFRJ-S01, NFRJ03, NFRJ08 and the 1997 preliminary surveys) can be accessed through the SSJ Data Archive by the University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science. Scholars at universities or at public research institutions and graduate students under the tearcher’s supervision are eligible to application.

The data use is for one year. The procedure of application should follow the SSJDA provisions. You can submit online an application for the datasets of NFRJ98, NFRJ-S01, NFRJ03, and NFRJ08 via SSJ Direct, and download the data file. Downloadable NFRJ data are listed on [English interface is also available, but NFRJ08 does not appear on it. Use the Japanese interface to download the NFRJ08 dataset.]

The National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology  will accept direct applications for data use (without mediation by SSJDA) for some special cases below:

For JSFS members who do not meet the SSJDA requirements
The National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology  will accept applications from Japan Society of Family Sociology members who do not meet the SSJDA requirements for secondary use of NFRJ98, NFRJ-S01, NFRJ03, and NFRJ08 (note that these does not include the data from preliminary surveys).
For under-graduate students
The National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology  will accept applications for secondary data use from under-graduate students to write a bachelor thesis under the supervision of a member of the Japan Society of Family Sociology. Application should made by the supervisor.
Educational use
The National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology  would allow temporary use of data by a number of people for educational purpose (e.g., on a class or a seminar). Contact the NFRJ Office.

Inquiry about secondary use of NFRJ Data should be addressed to NFRJ Office

Notice to the Users

Users Agreement

All users of the NFRJ dataset must pledge to abide by the following rules. Please read them carefully.

  1. The data must be used for academic purposes only.
  2. Those using the data must protect the privacy of those surveyed, and personally identifiable information must not be released.
  3. The dataset must be used only by the person who signed the original application.
  4. The data must not be provided to a third party.
  5. After the term of use has expired, the dataset will be destroyed.
  6. Any publication that use the provided dataset must contain an acknowledgement for The National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology. Two copies must be sent to the NFRJ Office.
  7. You promise to hold the Japan Society of Family Sociology harmless and free from any liability or damages as a result of using the survey data.

Users should follow the rules by SSJDAfor the data use mediated by SSJDA.

Obligation to include acknowledgements

Papers, oral presentations, and other form of publication that use these dataset must include the following statement.

For users mediated by SSJDA
Japanese: 二次分析に当たり、東京大学社会科学研究所附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センター SSJ データアーカイブから XXXX調査 (NFRJxxxx) (日本家族社会学会全国家族調査委員会) の個票データの提供を受けました。
English: The data for this secondary analysis, SURVEYNAME (NFRJxxxx) by the National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology  was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo.
For users directly permitted by the National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
Japanese: データは日本家族社会学会全国家族調査委員会によって行われたXXXX調査データ(NFRJxxxx)を許可を得て使用した。
English: The author gratefully acknowledge the permission for the use of SURVEYNAME (NFRJxxxx) data by The National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology.

Replace “NFRJxxxx” with the codename of each survey —NFRJ98, NFRJ03, NFRJ08, or NFRJ-S01 (except for the preliminary surveys, which have no codenames). Replace “XXXX調査” with the Japanese name, and “SURVEYNAME” with the English name of each survey. See the list below (Japanese name = English name = Codename).

  • 第3回全国家族調査 = National Family Research of Japan 2008 = NFRJ08
  • 第2回全国家族調査 = National Family Research of Japan 2003 = NFRJ03
  • 全国調査「戦後日本の家族の歩み」 =  National Family Research of Japan : Special Survey  2001 = NFRJ-S01
  • 第1回全国家族調査 = National Family Research of Japan 1998 = NFRJ98
  • 家族と夫婦関係に関する調査 = Family and Husband-Wife Relations Survey =
  • 少子化と親子関係に関する調査 = =

Duty to report

Any publicaion that is based on secondary data use should be reported promptly.

Users mediated by SSJDA:
Submit Data Use Report Form and two copies of the publicaionto the SSJDA secretariat.
Users directly permitted by the The National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology:
Send two copies of the publicaion to the NFRJ Office.

“Publication” here means the public release of analysis results to an unspecified number of people. It includes articles in a journal, society reports, lectures, books, chapters in a book, oral presentations, working papers, online papers, and thesis/dissertations submitted to a school. It applies to a supplementary mention to the findigs from NFRJ dataset, as well as a publication based primarily on NFRJ data.

A copy of magazine article and newspaper columns that contain NFRJ results should be sent to the NFRJ office.

We will regist all reported results on our database.