National Family Research of Japan 2003 (NFRJ03)
The Second National Family Research (NFRJ03) was funded by KAKENHI #13301012: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, fiscal 2000 to 2003, Basic Research (A) (1) “Modern Japanese Family Trends Research” representated by Watanabe Hideki, Professor at Keio University. Sampling was completed in 2003 and the survey was completed in February 2004. The first interim report was published in April 2005. Through joint use by the Japan Society of Family Sociology members, the second interim report (2 volumes) was published in April 2006. The dataset was made public through SSJDA (Social Science Japan Data Archive by the University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science) as Survey Number 0517.
NFRJ03 Outline
- Survey name (Japanese)
- Dai 2 Kai Zenkoku Kazoku Tyousa
- Survey name (English)
- National Family Research of Japan 2003
- Codename
- NFRJ03
- Survey organizer
- The National Family Research committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
- Survey company
- Central Research Service Inc. (Tyuuou Tyousasya)
- Survey period
- January to February 2004
- Survey area
- All over Japan
- Subjects
- Japanese nationals living in Japan and born between 1926 and 1975 (28 to 77 years old as of the end of 2003)
- Sample size
- 10,000 people (surveyed 6,302, survey response rate 63.0%)
- Sampling method
- stratified two-stage random sampling.
153 strata were set by dividing muncipalities in 47 prefectures into 4 categories based on their population; from these strata 583 points were sampled with proportional probability. The required number of people was selected using the systematic sampling method on the Zyuumin Kihon Daityou [residents register] (for 553 points) or Senkyonin Meibo [voter registration record] (for 30 points). - Survey method
- Leave and pick-up
- Questionnaire
- We used two types of questionnaires: questionnaire for young respondents (for those born between 1956 and 1975) and questionnaire for middle-aged or senior respondents (for those born between 1926 and 1955). Most questions are common across both questionnaires. However, the former has special questions about marriage, childbirth, and childcare. The latter has special questions about relations between older parents and thier children.
NFRJ03 Questions
- Respondent Information (Q1-4)
- Household information (Q5)
- Employment information of the respondent (Q6)
- Economic information (Q7-8)
- Marital history of the respondent, spouse information, husband-wife relations (Q9)
- Respondents quality of life (Q10-15)
- Information about children and relationship with children (Q16)
- Parental information and relationship with the parents (Q17)
- Sibling information and relationship with them (Q18)
- Parents-in-law information and relationship (Q19)
- Nursing or support experience (Q20-22)
- View on childrearing (Q23-24: for only young respondents)
NFRJ03 Schedule
- Log of the Activities for NFRJ03
- NFRJ98 Working Group (in Japanese)
Documents and Links
- NFRJ03 questionnaire (including English translations)
- Basic tabulations (in percentage) are on the NFRJ03 questionnaires in the SSJ Data Archive site:
- = questionnaire for middle-aged or senior respondents (for those born between 1926 and 1955).
- = questionnaire for young respondents (for those born between 1956 and 1975).
- List of NFRJ03 Research Results
- Secondary Use of NFRJ Data