National Family Research of Japan 1998 (NFRJ98)

NFRJ98 Outline

Survey name (Japanese)
Dai 1 Kai Zenkoku Kazoku Tyousa
Survey name (English)
National Family Research of Japan 1998
Survey organizer
Japan Society of Family Sociology, NFR Kenkyuukai [National Family Research Study Group]
Survey company
Central Research Service Inc. (Tyuuou Tyousasya)
KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research by the Ministry of Educaiton, fiscal 1998 to 2000)
Japanese nationals living in Japan and born between 1921 and 1971 (28 to 77 years old as of the end of 1998)
Sample size
10,500 people (surveyed 6,985, survey response rate 66.52%)
Survey period
January to February 1999
Survey area
535 locales in Japan (110 locales from 13 major cities; 200 locales from cities with populations greater than 100,000; 102 locales from cities with populations less than 100,000; 123 locales from towns and villages)
Sampling method
Stratified two-stage random sampling.
152 strata were set by dividing muncipalities in 47 prefectures into 4 categories based on thier population; from these strata 535 points were sampled with proportional probability. Other strata were created for gender and age, which set quotas for sampled number of people. The required number of people was selected using the systematic sampling method on the Zyuumin Kihon Daityou [residents register] (for 502 points) or Senkyonin Meibo [voter registration record] (for 33 points).
Survey method
Leave and pick-up
We used two types of questionnaires: the general questionnaire (for those born between 1941 and 1970) and special questionnaire (for senior respondents born between 1921 and 1940). The latter is the same as the former with some additional questions (regarding nursing care) at the end.

NFRJ98 Questions

  1. Respondent information (Q1-9)
  2. Household information (Q10-15)
  3. Spouses information and husband-wife relations (Q16)
  4. Respondent’s marital history (Q17-19)
  5. Respondent’s consciousness and quality of life (Q20-23)
  6. Information about children and relationship with children (Q24)
  7. Parental information and relationship with the parents (Q25)
  8. Sibling information and relationship with the siblings (Q26)
  9. Parents-in-law information and relationship with them (Q27)
  10. Other relatives’ information and relationship with them (Q28-31)
  11. Nursing care (Q32-37) [only on special questionnaire for senior respondents]

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